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Yellow Pages » Clothing Stores » Manhasset Yellow Pages » Oscar de LA Renta Limited

2114 Northern Blvd
Manhasset, NY 11030
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Tel: (516) 627-7440

Appears In:
Apparel Accessories
Clothing Stores

HyperLocal (NEW):
Manhasset Apparel
Manhasset Apparel Accessories
Manhasset Clothing Stores

Listing Stats
252 Splash Page Views
11,455 Summary Views


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Our products and services include accessories, accounts, apparel, belts, bracelets, candles, designs, diamonds, earrings, embroidery, fragrances, gift wrap, greeting cards, handbags, hats, houses homes, jackets, leather goods, personal items, scarves, shoes, stationery and sweaters. We specialize in weddings. We prefer to use these brands: all-clad.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 627-7440

Visit Website: www.oscardelarenta.com

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