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Yellow Pages » Convenience Stores » Syosset Yellow Pages » ON the RUN

200 S Oyster Bay Rd
Syosset, NY 11791
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Tel: (516) 496-3433

Appears In:
Convenience Stores

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Syosset Convenience Stores

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Our business hours are open 24 hours. More about us: for details on this store and click here. Our products and services include 24 hour pay at the pump, air tower, atm, bengal traders coffee, bread, breakfast sandwiches, burritos, candy, cappuccino, chips, cold beverages, doughnuts, eggs, fresh fruit, ice, krispy kreme, lunch sandwiches, major credit cards, maps, milk, mobil 1 oil, mobil drive clean blend, mobil drive clean oil, money orders, newspapers, phone cards, restrooms, speedpass at pump, speedpass at register, superflo oil and vacuums. Accepted forms of payment are american express, cash, checks, debit cards, discover card, mastercard and visa. We offer service in and around residential and commercial. We prefer to use these brands: exxon and mobil.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 496-3433

Visit Website: www.exxonmobil.com

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