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Yellow Pages » Dentists » Franklin Square Yellow Pages » Novick Steven DDS

660 Dogwood Ave
Franklin Square, NY 11010
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Tel: (516) 481-1446

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Our business hours are mon-wed: 07:30am-06:30am and sat 08:30am-04:00am. More about us: in business for over 19 years. Our products and services include children & adults sealants, handicapped accessible, holistic, house & hospital calls, natural, organic, teeth cleaning and teeth whitening. Accepted forms of payment are discover card, mastercard, personal checks and visa. We offer service in and around commercial, industrial and residential. We prefer to use these brands: aetna, cigna, delta, guardian, hip, metlife, ppo, us healthcare and vytra. Our certifications include member of american dental association. Emergency services emergency service available.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 481-1446

Visit Website: drstevennovick.com

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