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Yellow Pages » Fast Food Restaurants » New Hyde Park Yellow Pages » Nathan's Famous

3380 Hillside Ave
New Hyde Park, NY 11040
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Tel: (516) 739-3080

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Fast Food Restaurants

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New Hyde Park Restaurants
New Hyde Park Fast Food Restaurants

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More about us: fast food. Our products and services include beverages, breakfast, dinner, entrees, french fries, hamburgers, hot dogs, iced tea, late night, lunch, milkshakes & malts, nutritional information provided and side dishes. We specialize in american. We prefer to use these brands: coca-cola and nathans restaurant.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 739-3080

Visit Website: www.nathansfamous.com

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 Nathan's Famous Reviews   
4 out of 5 stars Gregory A from Garden City, NY on Oct 18, 2013
I really like this restaurant. I can't see why the other person complained. It doesn't look dirty to me, and the food is really tasty! I don't care if it's greasy. It digests just fine, so they must be cooking with good oils. My stomach complains at the slightest thing, and I am happy eating here.
2 out of 5 stars Jordan R Barefoot from Mineola, NY on Mar 10, 2013
Not a big fan of Nathan's, particularly this location. When you go to a Nathan's, you don't particularly expect ... well, let's just say you DO expect greasy food. And that can be glorious when it's done well. It's done badly here. You get everything you DON'T want about greasy food. Instead of what you do. And the restaurant is dirty. Ugh. I don't trust the food here at all.
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