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Yellow Pages » Plumbers » Rockville Centre Yellow Pages » Nassau Plumbing & Sewer Rooter

333 Hempstead Ave
Rockville Centre, NY 11570
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Tel: (516) 766-6540

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Rockville Centre Plumbers

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Our business hours are 24 hours 7 days. More about us: commercial, residential, industrial, you know the price before we start!, est 1958, visit our web site, see our coupon and low low rates!. Our products and services include basement pumping, basements, bathtubs, commercial services, cooling, drain cleaning, drain repair, drains, estimates, faucets, heating, industrial services, pump outs, residential services, roofs, sewer drains, sewer repair, sewer systems, showers, sinks, water heaters and yards. We specialize in leaks, toilets and tubs. Accepted forms of payment are all major cards accepted, american express, discover card, mastercard and visa.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 766-6540

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 Nassau Plumbing & Sewer Rooter Reviews   
1 out of 5 stars Roman Groysman from East Rockaway, NY on Feb 28, 2014
RIP OFF ALERT... THIS GUY USED MULTIPLE NAMES AND HAD A DIFFERENT COMPANY NAME ON THE BUSINESS CARD. This was the worst experience EVER with a service person. I called for an estimate, he came over and took apart the problem and then tried to charge me a $175 service charge or he would leave the parts where they were. Then he quoted me one price... and after he fixed it, he charged me $400 just to fix a part that I know for a fact costs less than 20. I told him he quoted me a different price, he called me a liar. Was rude and unprofessional. My mom mad the call and she feels taken advantage of, offended and ripped off. DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS TO ANYONE I KNOW.
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