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Our business hours are closed mondays. More about us: family restaurant. Our products and services include appetizers, bags, bars, beans, beef, beer, burritos, catering, cheese, chicken, children's menu, chips, chocolate, cookies, dinner, donuts, entrees, fajitas, fish, food service, iced tea, liquor, liquor & cocktails, lunch, margaritas, meats, mexican, nachos, rice, salads, seafood, seafood & fish, side dishes, sodas, steak, tea, tortillas and wine. Accepted forms of payment are american express and mastercard. We prefer to use these brands: canon and coca-cola.
Hours: For hours, call (516) 255-5550
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Moe's Southwest Grill Reviews |

Hannah T from
Baldwin, NY on Dec 9, 2013
I really enjoy this place. There are a few unique things that I think set it apart. Firstly, the ingredients are all incredibly fresh—it’s a bit like a Chipotle, but better (and local!). Also, you can customize your burrito and have them put in whatever ingredients you want! They also have some great taco sauces and salsas, and you can buy a bottle to use in your home cooking too. And if you’re a veggie eater, you can get a tofu burrito. I’ve never even heard of such a thing at another Mexican restaurant. Low cost food, and ultra delicious!

RE from
Roosevelt, NY on Sep 22, 2012
Moe’s South West Grill is my go-to place for grills and bars. They have veggies fried, meat grilled, and lovely lamb barbeque on store. I love hanging out and sampling on their gourmet grills and Moe’s is the perfect place for me to banter and gossip with my friends. Make sure you sample their exotic wine too.

Chris from
Freeport, NY on Jul 24, 2012
Good food although the price could be better. The service could be a little more attentive too but all in all I was satisfied.
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