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Yellow Pages » Mortgages » Westbury Yellow Pages » Mid-Island Mortgage Corporation

900 Merchants Concourse
Westbury, NY 11590
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Tel: 516-348-0600

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Mortgage Companies

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Big enough to fit your needs - small enough to really care! 

Stability, experience and reliability since 1959

You always have a home with us!


What separates Mid-Island Mortgage Corp. from everyone else is our unique ability to deliver strong, solid home lending with personalized, individual service to best fit your specific needs. Mid-Island has been serving the local community for over 50 years, we’re your friends and neighbors and know your town first hand… that’s something that can’t be said about the many giant, national mortgage corporations. While Mid-Island prides itself on being your personal banker, we’re still a first rate direct lender - most small, pop-up mortgage companies have nowhere near our access to lending resources to ensure that you receive the loan that's just right for you!

Hours: For hours, call 516-348-0600

Visit Website: www.mortgagecorp.com

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 Mid-Island Mortgage Corporation Reviews   
5 out of 5 stars Henry U Ayers from Roslyn Heights, NY on Feb 10, 2012
I was able to get my new home thanks to Mid-Island Mortgage Corporation. Even though I didn't have the best credit, although I didn't have the worst either, they were able to work with me and found me a lender. Now I am finally a proud homeowner.
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