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Yellow Pages » Health & Medical » Roslyn Yellow Pages » Mercedes Courland Interiors

44 Glenwood Rd
Roslyn, NY 11576
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Tel: (516) 759-4802

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Mental Health
Health & Medical

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Roslyn Health & Medical

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More about us: mercedes' trademark in interior design is the rich combination of architectural details presented in new and unique ways with exciting color palettes. the end result is an interior that is opulent, comfortable and worldly. her award winning style is diverse, as are her clients. in the 1980's, while a senior designer at the spector group, her projects included cablevision headquarters, long island savings bank corporate headquarters and and high-end residential. mercedes is able to combine modern lines with richly textured materials that are new to the market to tailor to the client's stylistic preference.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 759-4802

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