June Hour from
Manhasset, NY on Aug 26, 2012
You should never be too careful as far as skin and its care are on the line. Dermatology is a highly sensitive field in medicine and the scientists that get involved in such an expertise must be great and highly skilled to confront with anything that comes up. In Manhasset Dermatology PC thedoctors that treat you are absolutely great and they are quite knowledgeable. What is more, they are here for you, so that everything is understood and simple to you. I have visited them for a consult on botox, which is a sensitive case as well. They were helpful and really analytic about all the potential drawbacks and side effects and we eventually made an appointment, which is for next week. It is my first time, so I should be nervous but actually I am quite reassured from the people there and I know everything will be just fine.

Garret F. from
Manhasset, NY on Sep 5, 2012
Manhasset Dermatology PC is perfect for the services that they can provide you with. I have needed their assistance when my young son had a persistent rash that would not go away, no matter what we tried. He had scratched it terribly and that made things even worse and his pain was unbearable. He usually does not complain about being in pain, so we got extremely worried. After our visit, they treated him effectively and they calmed us down. They wrote a prescription of antibiotics and a lotion to apply on the rash and a few days later it was gone.

Sarah I. from
Albertson, NY on Sep 7, 2012
I've been thinking about having laser hair removal surgery, and I wanted a consultation. All my questions and concerns were addressed, and when I'm ready I'll probably contact them.
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