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Yellow Pages » Post Offices » Garden City Yellow Pages » Mail Boxes ETC

734 Franklin Ave
Garden City, NY 11530
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Tel: (800) 257-8777

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Post Offices

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Garden City Post Offices

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Our products and services include advertisements, assembly, boxing, brochures, business accounts, business cards, call in mail check, catalogs, collating, copying, crating, desktop publishing, digital printing, direct mailings, documents, drop offs, e mail services, envelopes, finishing services, flyers, folding, forms, gift wrapping, greeting cards, holding, inserting, invitations, labeling, letterhead, lock boxes, mail box rental, mail delivery, mail forwarding, mail processing, mailbox rentals, mailcheck, mailing supplies, moving, newsletters, notary, office supplies, offset printing, package insurance, packaging, packing supplies, passport services, pick ups, postage stamps, postcards, preparation, receiving, reporting, resumes, rubber stamps, scanning, special deliveries, stamping, stamps, stapling, stationery, tabbing, tape, tracking, trucks and vans. We specialize in air freight, antiques, art, cargo, correspondence, fragile items, freight and light freight. Accepted forms of payment are american express and visa.

Hours: For hours, call (800) 257-8777

Visit Website: www.mbe.com

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Post Review

 Mail Boxes ETC Reviews   
4 out of 5 stars Ricky R from Williston Park, NY on Mar 8, 2013
I used to go to the post office, ugh. It was horrible. The people who work at the post office are rude, unhelpful, and I swear on multiple occasions they have gouged me out of money. And the LINES, god, the LINES.

If you want to skip those awful lines and the rude employees, then go to the Mail Boxes Etc. instead. It is a postal annex where you can send and receive mail and receive much better customer service and superior prices. I will never ever go back to the post office again. This is sooooo much nicer. It's a night and day difference.
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