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Yellow Pages » Florists » Islip Terrace Yellow Pages » Maggie and Faith

102 Carleton Ave
Islip Terrace, NY 11752
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Tel: (631) 581-4882

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Islip Terrace Florists

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Our business hours are 6 days a week. More about us: open 6 days, bloom net and save up tp 30% when you order online. Our products and services include ask about our freshness guarantee, dish gardens, exotic flowers, flowers, fruit baskets, funerals, gifts for all occasions, parties, plants, proms, silk arrangements and teleflora. We prefer to use these brands: teleflora.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 581-4882

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 Maggie and Faith Reviews   
5 out of 5 stars A Hardison from Bohemia, NY on Jun 28, 2013
I needed to get a flower arrangement for a relative the other week and I really didn't know a thing about buying flowers. I couldn't have managed if the ladies who work at the florist shop hadn't been so helpful. They were able to help me put together the perfect selection of flowers for the occasion, and my aunt was really delighted.
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