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Yellow Pages » Gifts » Long Beach Yellow Pages » Long Beach Card Store

262 E Park Ave
Long Beach, NY 11561
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Tel: (516) 897-9395

Appears In:
Flowers & Gifts

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Long Beach Gifts
Long Beach Flowers & Gifts

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More about us: your neighborhood convenience store, up to 50% off greeting cards, gifts toys party goods balloons, lotto cigarettes newspapers candy, household and school supplies stationery and fax and copy machine .

Hours: For hours, call (516) 897-9395

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 Long Beach Card Store Reviews   
5 out of 5 stars EA from Oceanside, NY on Mar 5, 2014
My first choice when it's time to buy Christmas cards every year.
5 out of 5 stars Jackie I from Oceanside, NY on Sep 4, 2013
I never really got into buying people cards before, because they are just so expensive for something which a lot of people are just going to throw away, which to me is a waste. But I have been buying them for people since I found this store, because their prices are so much lower than what I have seen at the grocery store in the card section. And you know what? People really love receiving cards, and it really can brighten someone's day. I really enjoy it, and I never would've started if not for this place and their great discounts.
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