Meredith O. from
Commack, NY on Dec 29, 2012
I wanted to send my daughter to a private pre-school, and found out about Little Lights from one of my cousins, who sends her son there. The idea of having Susan attend school with a family member was appealing, and even though we aren't very religious, we're still Christian, so I thought, "Why not."
It was a good decision! Susan seems to love going to school, and it's been great for her to be able to spend time with little Danny. We go and pick up our kids together, and we all go out to eat for lunch after school sometimes and our kids tell us about everything they learned or did that day. It seems like a very positive environment, and that's exactly what I wanted for my daughter. I only hope I can find an elementary school which provides her with so much great support and structure.
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