E Ray from
Roosevelt, NY on Apr 2, 2013
I operate a small business, and one of the woes of being a business owner is of course that you have to do your own taxes. I pay quarterly, but at the end of the year I have to do this horrific form called 2210 which means I earned my income unevenly throughout the year. Technical stuff aside, basically, if your'e self employed and you see the number 2210, you know what it means. It means horror and woe! It's like doing a calculation equation.
I don't really want to rely on my amazing (read: defective) mathematical skills to get my taxes right. It is just way too important. I may be able to add and subtract and multiply, but forms of doom, these I cannot do!
Liberty Tax handles it all for me, year after year. Been using their services for exactly six years now and have been happy with the results each year. I seem to be pretty accurate with my payments, and usually they can get me a small refund, which is awesome. Most importantly, I can feel confident that the taxes are right and the tax man isn't going to come and charge me for something I forgot to pay. The peace of mind is worth it!
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