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Yellow Pages » Specialty Food Store » Riverhead Yellow Pages » Le Gourmet Chef

1704 Tanger Mall Dr
Riverhead, NY 11901
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Tel: (631) 369-3301

Appears In:
Specialty Food Store

HyperLocal (NEW):
Riverhead Specialty Food Store
Riverhead Housewares

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Our business hours are 7 days a week/daily/everyday. Our products and services include take out.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 369-3301

Visit Website: www.legourmetchef.com

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 Le Gourmet Chef Reviews   
5 out of 5 stars AS from Jamesport, NY on Jun 25, 2014
This place is a dream come true for any chef. I started cooking about a year ago and am surprised by how much I’ve gotten into it. Here they not only have a lot of specialty equipment (restaurant quality), but also a ton of other great stuff like cookbooks AND lots of ingredients like sauces. You can try them before you buy them, which is incredible! It’s very well-organized, and you won’t feel like you’re in a restaurant supply store at all, more like a proper hobby shop or something. The staff is knowledgeable and can give you some great advice when you’re shopping. I love this store!
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