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Yellow Pages » Doctors » Great Neck Yellow Pages » L I Gastroenterology PC

833 Northern Blvd
Great Neck, NY 11021
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Tel: (516) 466-9006

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More about us: all procedures done in office. Our products and services include bloating, colon cancer screening, colonoscopy, constipation, diarrhea, diet & nutrition counseling, endoscopy, gas, gas - heartburn - diet & nutrition counseling, gastroenterology, gastrointestinal diseases, heartburn, lactose breath tests, lactose breath tests - diarrhea - constipation - bloating, liver disease, liver diseases, painless hemorrhoid treatment, rectal bleeding, state of the art colonoscopy endoscopy, stomach, digestive tract & intestinal disease, swallowing, swallowing - rectal bleeding, ulcerative colitis - crohn's disea, ulcerative colitis - crohn's disease, ulcers and ulcers - liver disease. Accepted forms of payment are most insurances accepted and participant in most insurance plans.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 466-9006

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