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Yellow Pages » Shopping Centers » Bay Shore Yellow Pages » Kohl's Department Store

2036 Sunrise Hwy
Bay Shore, NY 11706
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Tel: (631) 666-6082

Appears In:
Retail Shopping
Department Stores
Department Stores
Shopping Centers

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Bay Shore Department Stores
Bay Shore Department Stores
Bay Shore Shopping Centers

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More about us: for details on this store and click here. Our products and services include accessories, active wear, anniversary jewelry, apparel, area rugs, athletic apparel, baby, baby clothing & accessories, bags, bakeware, baseball, bath, bath products, beauty, bed, bed & bath, bedding, bedding & linens, belts, blankets, blouses, body, body & skin care products, boots, bracelets, bras, bridal registries, business clothing, candle accessories, candles, candles & candle accessories, casual wear, charms, children's, children's & teen clothing, children's apparel, children's jewelry, clearance, clogs, coats, coats & jackets, contemporary jewelry, cookware, cookware & kitchen appliances, cosmetics, cosmetics & fragrances, cubic zirconia, cuff links, cutlery, denims, diamonds, dinnerware, dresses, e-gift card, earrings, electronics, electronics & games, exchanges, eyewear, flats, fragrances, furniture, furniture & home decor, gemstones, gift cards, gift cards & gift card packaging, gift certificates, gift registries, gift registry, gift wrapping, hair supplies, handbags, hats, heels, hiking boots, home care, hosiery, hosiery & stockings, housewares, intimates, jackets, jeans, jeans & denims, jewelry, jewelry & watches, juniors', kids', kitchen & dining, kitchen accessories, kitchen appliances, kitchen gadgets, kohl's charge, linens, lingerie, lockets, luggage & backpacks, men's, men's apparel, metals, nail products, necklaces, pajamas, pants, pendants, perfumes, picture frames, pillows, pins, platforms, polo shirts, purses, returns, returns & exchanges, rings, rugs, sandals, sashes, sashes & scarves, scarves, sheets, sheets & blankets, shipping, shirts, shoes, skin care products, skirts, sleepwear, slippers, soccer, socks, sportshirts, sterling, stockings, streetwear, suits, sunglasses, sweaters, swim, swimwear, t shirts, table linens, tank tops, teen clothing, tees, ties, timepieces, tops, tops & tees, totes, towels, toys, underwear, wallets, watches, wedding jewelry, white gold, window coverings, women's, women's apparel and young men's. We specialize in belts. Accepted forms of payment are american express, checks, debit cards, discover and mastercard. We prefer to use these brands: adidas, arrow, asics, avia, bongo, calphalon, champion, columbia, conair, converse, cuisinart, dickies, dockers, fisher-price, graco, haggar, henckels, jockey, keds, kitchenaid, krups, l.e.i, l.e.i., lee, levi's, libby, little tikes, new balance, nike, oneida, oshkosh, reebok, sam, sam & libby, speedo, the first years and vans.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 666-6082

Visit Website: www.kohls.com

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