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Yellow Pages » Attorneys » Commack Yellow Pages » Law Offices of Howard E. Knispel

354 Veterans Memorial Hwy
Commack, NY 11725
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Tel: (631) 864-7589

Appears In:
Bankruptcy Attorneys
Criminal Justice Attorneys

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Commack Bankruptcy Attorneys
Commack Criminal Justice Attorneys
Commack Lawyers
Commack Attorneys

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For more than 25 years, Howard E. Knispel, P.C. has served clients on LI with exemplary personal attention to their needs and to the legal process. Howard focuses predominantly on bankruptcy and family law, but can also help those in need of legal counsel for real estate, divorce, traffic/DWI, debt negotiation, and criminal law.

With decades of experience under his belt, Howard E. Knispel knows how to help those in debt renegotiate their finances and, when appropriate, pick the correct form of bankruptcy to help them recover from their debts. He can also guide clients through the rocky worlds of family law and divorce court, protecting each client's assets and interests while detangling even the most complex legal situations.

As a former prosecutor for Suffolk County Traffic Court and a former Administrative Law Judge for the NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission, Howard is more than qualified to defend any client in matters of traffic law from speeding tickets and reckless driving charges to DWIs and driving without a license.

When you pick Howard E. Knispel to represent you, you are not only choosing 25 years of experience but also the opportunity to work directly with your attorney, appointment flexibility, and a free initial consultation. 

Hours: For hours, call (631) 864-7589

Visit Website: hekesq.com

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