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Yellow Pages » Drug Stores » Long Beach Yellow Pages » Kings Pharmacy

639 E Park Ave
Long Beach, NY 11561
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Tel: (516) 431-6633

Appears In:
Drug Stores

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Long Beach Pharmacies
Long Beach Drug Stores

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Our business hours are 7 days a week daily everyday. More about us: long island's top discount pharmacy and visit a location near you. Our products and services include air casts, appliances & electronics, bath care, bathroom safety equipment, blood pressure monitors, blood pressure screening, braces, candy, canes, canes & crutches, canes & crutches wound care air casts surgical stockings, chocolates, commodes, crutch rentals, crutches, daily living aides, diabetic supplies, diabetic supplies wheelchairs daily living aides walkers, discount greeting cards, discount greeting cards photo processing, epic & medicaid, film, free diabetic monitor, gifts, giftware, greeting cards, health & beauty aids, household needs, incontinence supplies, incontinent supplies, jobst supportwear medical legwear, kings discount pharmacy, minerals, nutritional supplements, open 365 days, personalized service at chain discount prices!, photo laboratory, photo processing, prescriptions, prescriptions health & beauty aids, school supplies, stationery & school supplies, surgical stockings, surgical supplies, toys, toys, games & stuffed animals, vitamins, vitamins & supplements, vitamins & supplements school supplies, walkers, wheel chairs, wheelchairs and wound care. Accepted forms of payment are we accept most insurance including and we accept most insurance including epic & medicaid. We prefer to use these brands: russel stover candies, russell stover and russell stover candies.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 431-6633

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 Kings Pharmacy Reviews   
4 out of 5 stars Catherine U. Holland from Oceanside, NY on Nov 28, 2012
Local or regional pharmacy chain if I'm not mistaken. I used to go to Rite Aid, but Kings Pharmacy is way better. They have a superior selection of merchandise, much better service, and faster prescription services. They don't act like they don't recognize me when I come for my refills every month. it's really nice to be treated like a human being by a company.
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