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Yellow Pages » Grocery & Convenience » Franklin Square Yellow Pages » King Kullen Grocery

206 New Hyde Park Rd
Franklin Square, NY 11010
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Tel: (516) 616-5029

Appears In:
Grocery Stores
Grocery & Convenience

HyperLocal (NEW):
Franklin Square Grocery Stores
Franklin Square Grocery & Convenience

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More about us: supermarketsview website . Accepted forms of payment are all major cards accepted, american express, mastercard and visa.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 616-5029

Visit Website: www.kingkullen.com

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 King Kullen Grocery Reviews   
5 out of 5 stars Hugh I. from Malverne, NY on Jan 8, 2013
A pretty good supermarket chain on Long Island. I am especially impressed with their dairy section, where they have good deals on cheese and butter and a pretty nice selection as well. Their butcher isn't bad either. I can sometimes get a nice deal on beef. Seafood is a bit expensive, but you know, it's Long Island. Seafood is everywhere yet still very pricey.
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