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Yellow Pages » Dentists » Massapequa Yellow Pages » Jaffe & Lubliner LLP - Jay B Lubliner DDS

89 Grand Ave
Massapequa, NY 11758
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Tel: (516) 798-0223

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Massapequa Dentists

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Our business hours are open saturdays and open evenings. More about us: healthy teeth last a lifetime. Our products and services include ap' one hour whitening, bridges, cosmetic dentistry, crowns, dentistry, dentistry while asleep available, family & cosmetic dentistry, full family care, general & cosmetic, general & cosmetic dentistry, implant dentistry, implants, intravenous sedation, nitrous oxide, of modern dental treatment, payment plans, root canal and zoom ap 1 hour whitening. Accepted forms of payment are as full or partial payment, interest free payment plans available, many insurance plans accepted and payment plan. Our certifications include certified in general anesthesia & sedation.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 798-0223

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