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Yellow Pages » Women's Clothing » East Hampton Yellow Pages » Ia's Threads

59 Ely Brook Rd
East Hampton, NY 11937
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Tel: (631) 604-5121

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Women's Clothing

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East Hampton Women's Clothing

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More about us: we are about style. we offer a vision of a style and look for exquisite comfort and for a price you can afford. this is what we do and and this is what we love.let us be your preferred shopping store for women's fashion. our mission is to provide the trendiest clothes without breaking the bank... Our products and services include accessories, clothing, cocktail dresses, handmade knitted winter apparell, mini bodycon skirts, mini dresses, party dresses, summer dresses, summer hats and women's clothing-dresses. Emergency services emergency service.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 604-5121

Visit Website: www.iasthreads.com

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 Ia's Threads Reviews   
5 out of 5 stars E Long from Wainscott, NY on Jan 4, 2014
I absolutely love this place! They have the most adorable dresses and tops here, and they look like designer fashions, but they are pretty reasonably priced considering! And they also sell the most gorgeous jewelry here, macrame type stuff. I bought a bracelet there that I wear almost every day. Really creative merchandise, so much better than department store wear. Come here for a unique look!
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