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Yellow Pages » Health & Medical » Melville Yellow Pages » Hausman DR. Michelle PSYD

535 Broadhollow Rd
Melville, NY 11747
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Tel: (516) 885-6776

Appears In:
Mental Health
Health & Medical

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Melville Mental Health
Melville Health & Medical

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More about us: we all experience setbacks and blocks in life. in my work with adults, they have experienced varied symptoms, but symptoms is our mind and body's way of telling us something needs to be changed. have you experienced any of these symptoms?: overwhelmed, sad, unmotivated, nervous in social situations, irritibility, fighting, withdrawing in relationships, sleep problems, trouble concentrating, over-working, unhappy with your body, using drugs/alchol to escape, scared of commitment, trouble communicating, needing too much control, and eating problems. come work together with me in a warm and relaxed environment. i am both an attentive listener and active participant. We specialize in anxiety or fears, depression, dissociative disorders, domestic abuse, domestic abuse or violence, domestic violence, eating disorders, gay lesbian issues, impulse control disorders, life coaching, loss or grief, parenting, personality disorders, ptsd, relationship issues and trauma and ptsd.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 885-6776

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