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Yellow Pages » Mental Health » Garden City Yellow Pages » Guber Jason S PSYD

585 Stewart Ave
Garden City, NY 11530
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Tel: (516) 729-9742

Appears In:
Mental Health
Health & Medical

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Garden City Mental Health
Garden City Health & Medical

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More about us: hello. my name is dr. jason guber and i believe that life is a journey. although it can be an incredible voyage, it can also have its share of hardships. with all of life's twists and turns, i hope to act as a guide. my goal is to help you over the bumps in the road and teach you how to avoid any future pitfalls. my job is not necessarily to give you the answers, but for us to discover them together. by working together through life's hurdles and you will be able to lead a more positive and fulfilling life. We specialize in addiction, addictions or substance abuse, adhd, adolescents, adolescents / teenagers (14 to 19), adults, anxiety or fears, attention deficit (adhd), child or adolescent, child or adolescent issues, chronic pain or illness, depression, dissociative disorders, divorce, domestic abuse, domestic abuse or violence, domestic violence, eating disorders, elderly persons disorders, elders, elders (65+), gay lesbian issues, impulse control disorders, life coaching, loss or grief, obsessive-compulsive (ocd), ocd, parenting, personality disorders, psychosis, ptsd, relationship issues, sex therapy, substance abuse, thinking disorders and trauma and ptsd.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 729-9742

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