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Yellow Pages » Lawyers » Westbury Yellow Pages » Gold Stewart Kravatz & Stone

1025 Old Country Rd
Westbury, NY 11590
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Tel: (516) 512-6333

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Our business hours are 24 hours/ 7 days. Our products and services include business law and personal law. Accepted forms of payment are mastercard and visa.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 512-6333

Visit Website: goldstewart.com

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 Gold Stewart Kravatz & Stone Reviews   
5 out of 5 stars Catherine T. Hsu from Roslyn Heights, NY on Oct 8, 2012
Gold Stewart Kravatz & Stone helped me draft up all the paperwork that I needed when opening up my new business. I thought that I would be able to do things myself, but all the legal jargon really confused me. Gold Stewart Kravatz & Stone had everything I needed to file and had it done quickly. Within a week I had all the paperwork in order and I was ready to move forward. I will use them again when I need updates or additional legal forms.
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