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Yellow Pages » Painters » Glen Cove Yellow Pages » Glen Painting INC

7 Alexander Pl
Glen Cove, NY 11542
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Tel: (516) 676-8469

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Glen Cove Painters

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More about us: references available. Our products and services include carpentry, carpentry & woodworking, cleaning, demolition, demolition & removals, dry wall, dry wall & sheet rock, exterior painting, exterior products, exterior work, faux, finish work, finishes, finishing, furniture, general contracting, houses, inspections, inspections & permitting, interior products, interior work, outdoor furniture, painting, paints, permitting, plaster, plastering, power washing, pressure cleaning, pressure washers, projects sites, removals, sheet rock, stains, stains & finishes, vacuums, wallcoverings and woodworking. We specialize in decks, drywall, exterior structures, interior structures, wall coverings and wells. We prefer to use these brands: eureka. Our certifications include insured and licensed.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 676-8469

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