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Yellow Pages » Dance Studios and Instruction » Glen Head Yellow Pages » Glen Dance Studio

3 Park Plz
Glen Head, NY 11545
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Tel: (516) 674-0082

Appears In:
Dance Studios and Instruction
Dance Centers & Studios

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Glen Head Dance Studios and Instruction
Glen Head Dance Centers & Studios
Glen Head Dance

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More about us: why choose us..., small classes with individual attention., students have been selected to perform at wait disney world, six flags and and madison square garden!view website . Our products and services include birthdays, classes, dances, event planning and parties. We specialize in birthday parties, cartoon characters, disney, gardens and hip hop.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 674-0082

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 Glen Dance Studio Reviews   
5 out of 5 stars Sylvia I. from Mill Neck, NY on Dec 12, 2012
My daughter has been attending Glen Dance Studio classes since she was about five years old. Hard to believe looking back it's been so long, as she is now 20 years old and also majoring in dance at school! She plans to make a career out of it, and considering the many amazing opportunities which Glen Dance Studio has given her, I think it may actually be possible for her. It's not easy to make it doing something like dance, so while I am nervous on her behalf, I am also so grateful to the studio which has helped her since she first got started at such a young age. I never thought that this would be something she'd love for life and excel at so much. We are so proud of her!
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