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Our business hours are 7 days a week daily everyday. More about us: brick oven, the finest in italian caisine, (originally in the waldbaum's shopping center), delicatessen foods, look for our daily specials, 10.00 minimum and 1.00 for deilvery. Our products and services include breakfast, catering our specialty, dinner, lunch, pasta, pizza, pizzeria, restaurant and seafood. Accepted forms of payment are american express. We prefer to use these brands: dell.
Hours: For hours, call (516) 931-2351
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Alvin Silver from
Plainview, NY on Jul 11, 2014
Sometimes there is just nothing like pizza ! It's the only thing that will satisfy! And then it's only Gino's Pizza! No other pizza is this good. I don't know what they do to make it taste so yummy, but it is gloriously good!

Juanita from
East Meadow, NY on Mar 25, 2014
I really love this restaurant. Ever since I found it, I have been looking forward to going back. The pizza I ordered last time was seriously seriously good. This is a gem!

I Greene from
Plainview, NY on Mar 2, 2014
The name is nearly interchangeable with a hundred other local pizza restaurants, but the food is definitely way above par. Best pizza I have had in a long time. Glad I found you guys!
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