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Yellow Pages » Landscaping » Westbury Yellow Pages » G BR Landscaping Contracting

1050 Iris Pl
Westbury, NY 11590
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Tel: (516) 333-9864

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Westbury Landscaping

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Our business hours are mon 08:00 am-05:30 pm, tue 08:00 am-05:30 pm, wed 08:00 am-05:30 pm, thu 08:00 am-05:30 pm and fri 08:00 am-05:30 pm. More about us: artificial turf mulching bush hogging parks & recreation design construction paths & walkways decks patios demonstrations pest control drainage systems pick-up & delivery services driveways plant care drought tolerant landscapes play areas eave cleaning pond construction estimates power washing excavations references fencing restoration fertilization retaining walls financing rock & stone designs free estimates rock & stone gardens gift certificates rockeries grading rototilling grading & leveling same day service gutter cleaning seasonal service hauling senior discounts inspections snow removal irrigation soil analysis koi ponds soil sampling land surveying soil testing landscape consulting stump removal landscape design terracing landscape planning tree removal landscaping tree trimming lawn care warranties & guarantees lawn mowing water features lot clearing weed control maintenance xeriscaping masonry. Assisting customers in english. Our products and services include accessories, aquatic plants, artificial turf, automatic systems, backflow preventers, botanical pesticides, brick, bush hogging, concrete, construction, copper systems, curbing, decks, demonstrations, desert plants, drainage systems, driveways, drought tolerant landscapes, eave cleaning, estimates, excavations, exotic plants, fencing, fertilization, financing, free estimates, gazebo kits, gazebos, gift certificates, grading, grading & leveling, grass, gutter cleaning, hauling, hydraulic systems, inspections, irrigation, irrigation systems, koi ponds, land surveying, landscape consulting, landscape design, landscape planning, landscaping, lawn care, lawn mowing, lighting, lot clearing, maintenance, make ready services, manual systems, masonry, mulch, mulching, native plants, natural products, nursery stock, online shopping, organic fertilizers, organic mulch, organic soil treatments, organics, outdoor kitchens, outdoor speaker systems, parks & recreation design, paths & walkways, patios, pavers, pest control, pick-up & delivery services, plant care, plants, play areas, poly & plastic systems, pond construction, power washing, pressure cleaning, programmed watering, pumps, railroad ties, references, restoration, retaining walls, rock & stone designs, rock & stone gardens, rockeries, roof cleaning, rototilling, same day service, sand & gravel, seasonal service, seeds, senior discounts, shrubs, snow removal, soil & sod, soil amendments, soil analysis, soil sampling, soil testing, sprinkler systems, statuary, stone, stump removal, subsurface irrigation, terracing, tree removal, tree trimming, trees, upgrades & additions to existing systems, vibratory plows, warranties & guarantees, water features, weed control, wells and xeriscaping. We specialize in alll outdoor needs. Accepted forms of payment are american express, cash, debit cards, discover card, mastercard, money orders, personal checks, travelers checks, visa, licensed and insured. We offer service in and around residential, commercial and industrial. Business ownership? family owned. Emergency services emergency service available.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 333-9864

Visit Website: www.gbrlandscaping.com

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