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Yellow Pages » Florists » Huntington Station Yellow Pages » Fleurs de Florissima

1780 New York Ave
Huntington Station, NY 11746
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Tel: (212) 988-8582

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Huntington Station Florists

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Our products and services include flowers and plants.

Hours: For hours, call (212) 988-8582

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 Fleurs de Florissima Reviews   
5 out of 5 stars Jamie H. from Greenlawn, NY on May 6, 2014
At first we thought this was just a florist, and we were going to have them do the arrangements for our celebration, but then we found out they do all kinds of event planning and setup, including some truly amazing lighting effects. So we assigned everything to them and let them have at it. The effect was so stunning! It was a really memorable night, and they did an absolutely beautiful job.
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