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Yellow Pages » Nurseries and Garden Centers » Glen Head Yellow Pages » Fischetti Mario Nursery

977 Glen Cove Ave
Glen Head, NY 11545
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Tel: (516) 671-7133

Appears In:
Nurseries and Garden Centers

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Glen Head Nurseries and Garden Centers

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More about us: ricolock, mario fischetti nursery inc and quality plant & landscape. Our products and services include bricks, bulk materials, fertilizers, gravel, ground covers, mulch, nursery stock, pavers, ponds, power equipment, retaining walls and rock & stone. Our certifications include authorized dealer.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 671-7133

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 Fischetti Mario Nursery Reviews   
5 out of 5 stars Vicki '. Bernstein from Sea Cliff, NY on Aug 2, 2012
Ponds add serenity to a backyard, and I wanted one in my backyard. I went to Fischetti Mario Nursery and purchased my pond, then called a landscaper who was able to come put it in for me. I'm really pleased with the product, and the service I received.
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