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Long Island Ferrari Dealerships

Whose head isn’t turned by a fast, sharp looking car on Long Island? Ferrari is a brand of car that is sleek and stylish and everyone will admire it when you drive by. Where can you get your own Long Island Ferrari so that people can admire your ride? There are lots of Long Island car dealers that work with new and used models and they would love to help you in your search for a new car.
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Ferrari Maserati Long Island
45 S Service Rd Plainview NY, 11803
(516) 671-7575
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Ferrari Maserati of Long ISL
105 S Service Rd Plainview NY, 11803
(516) 249-6023
Ferrari Maserati of Long Island
65 S Service Rd Plainview NY, 11803
(516) 577-3410
Ferrari-Maserati OF Long Island
45 S Service Rd Plainview NY, 11803
(516) 209-4158

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Ferrari Articles & Insights   
Big Events Sell High End Cars Posted by CynthiaM - 3/18/13
There are two things that go hand in hand; a sportscar and a night out on the town. But, one enterprising car dealership is combining the night on the town with the sales of a sportscar. Many car dealers use incentives all the time such as special lease deals and end of the year blowouts. But, ...