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Our products and services include bags, belts, blouses, boots, bracelets, children's, children's & teen clothing, coats, denims, dresses, earrings, gift certificates, gloves, hats, heels, hosiery, jeans, jeans & denims, jewelry, lingerie, maternity, necklaces, pajamas, pants, purses, sandals, sashes, sashes & scarves, scarves, shirts, shoes, skirts, sweaters, swimwear, tank tops, teen clothing, totes, underwear and watches. We prefer to use these brands: calvin klein, l.a. blues, l.e.i., mudd, zana-di and zena.
Hours: For hours, call (631) 369-8024
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Shelley I. Welsh from
Jamesport, NY on Mar 16, 2013
I like Fashion Bug. I have never seen one at a mall, but they seem to be in a lot of strip malls. Their clothing is directed at young, trendy professional women. I've purchased most of my clothes here since I started working again. Good stuff for the office, but re-accessorized, doesn't look back when I hit the clubs after work.

C Stephenson from
South Jamesport, NY on Mar 9, 2013
Fashion Bugs are all over America as far as I can tell. I haven't seen that many of them, but I remember visiting one in California while I was with a relative, and now I have found another one here in Long Island which is pretty much the same in terms of styles and merchandise ... so I think I am remembering properly that it's the same store. I have to say, they really do have some lovely business casual clothing here. It is so easy to end up wearing starchy, boring clothes when you work at the office, but you don't have to! It is completely possible to look good at work--really good. Fashion Bug's styles are fun and fanciful without being unprofessional.

Carla Durham from
Jamesport, NY on Feb 20, 2013
I was out of work for a long time and finally landed a job as a secretary/receptionist at a respectable office firm, so I needed some work clothes. Affordable work clothes, that is. And nothing too fancy, just nice enough to get by in a business casual setting. Fashion Bug has a perfect selection. Their clothing isn't cheap, but it didn't break the bank for me to stock up on some nice things for work, and they're stylish enough things that I can wear them outside the office and not feel all starchy and dull. Pretty nice place. If I'm not mistaken, it is a chain, and there are several outlets on Long Island, not just this one.
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