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Yellow Pages » Florists » Farmingville Yellow Pages » Farmingville Florist

643 Horseblock Rd
Farmingville, NY 11738
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Tel: (631) 736-0603

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Farmingville Florists

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Our products and services include flowers and plants.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 736-0603

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 Farmingville Florist Reviews   
5 out of 5 stars Ernest U. from Islandia, NY on Jan 18, 2013
I needed an arrangement for my aunt who was in the hospital, and they did a beautiful job putting something together which lasted a whole week and brightened her hospital room. They also delivered it for me so I didn't have to. I was right in the middle of a big business deal and couldn't get out of the office to see her until later in the week, and it was so important to me that she know that I cared. She loved the flowers, and they were still alive when I visited her five days later.
5 out of 5 stars AD from Islandia, NY on Sep 19, 2012
I recently went to Farmingville Florists with a rush order of around 17 made to order bouquets and the guys came through like a champ. Thanks to the Farmingville Florists team and I will definitely be back for more.
4 out of 5 stars Tom U from Islandia, NY on Sep 26, 2012
Really nice staff was helpful with picking out a bouquet for Valentine's day for my gf. I wouldn't have known what to look for on my own. Nice place!
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