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Yellow Pages » Dentists » Middle Island Yellow Pages » Ellman & Lindenbaum

770 Middle Country Rd
Middle Island, NY 11953
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Tel: (631) 924-7997

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Middle Island Dentists

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Our business hours are hours by appointment. More about us: concern, peridontist on premises and strict sterilization standards. Our products and services include all phases of general dentistry, bleaching, care, comfort, comfort care concern, cosmetic dentistry, drill free air abrasion, implants, invisalign, most insurance plans accepted as full or partial payments, periodontics, periodontist on premises, porcelain laminate veneers, porcelain veneers and straight teeth no braces. Accepted forms of payment are american express, discover card, mastercard and visa. We prefer to use these brands: invisalign, invisalign start smiling more and zoom 1 hour bleaching.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 924-7997

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