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Yellow Pages » Coffee Houses » Westbury Yellow Pages » Dunkin Donuts

467 Old Country Rd
Westbury, NY 11590
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Tel: (516) 338-2606

Appears In:
Coffee Houses

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Westbury Donuts
Westbury Coffee Houses

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More about us: cafe. Our products and services include black coffee, blends, coffee, coffee beans, decaffeinated, donuts, drinks, espresso, gift certificates, hot chocolate, juices, tea and tea & coffee.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 338-2606

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 Dunkin Donuts Reviews   
5 out of 5 stars Joseph G. from Westbury, NY on Oct 1, 2012
When you are in the need for a warm cup of coffee or another sweet beverage, along with your all time favourite donut or muffin, you should head to Dunkin Donutsin Westbury. Their services are really great any time and they are really wonderful in making you feel like you are at home, waiting for the time to go by and the delicacies to get off the oven, freshly baked and smelling heavenly. Dunkin Donuts features a vast variety of donuts, with my favourite flavours being lemon, bavarian cream and banana. Oh, there are also some cinammon buns that are gorgeous and they are worth having a taste. The prices are really low, especially given the quality that they have to offer!
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