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Yellow Pages » Coffee Houses » Roslyn Heights Yellow Pages » Dunkin Donuts

219 Mineola Ave
Roslyn Heights, NY 11577
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Tel: (516) 625-8788

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Coffee Houses

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Roslyn Heights Donuts
Roslyn Heights Coffee Houses

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More about us: cafeview website . Our products and services include black coffee, blends, coffee, coffee beans, decaffeinated, delivery services, donuts, drinks, dunkin' donuts card, espresso, for businesses, gift certificates, hot chocolate, juices, phone orders, shop online, take out, tea and tea & coffee. We prefer to use these brands: dunkin' donuts.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 625-8788

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 Dunkin Donuts Reviews   
5 out of 5 stars Marguerite Rodriguez from Albertson, NY on Sep 28, 2012
Dunkin Donuts is a fabulous place for people to go and indulge in some really yummy donuts. I do make it a point to go there and have some good food once in a while. It helps that the rates are low enough to not hurt my pocket one bit. I’m most happy with the services and shall highly recommend it to everyone around. You must try Dunkin Donuts at least once for a good experience. I love them and cannot recommend them more! They are certainly a favorite and shall continue to be so.
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