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Yellow Pages » Coffee Houses » Bay Shore Yellow Pages » Dunkin Donuts

529 E Main St
Bay Shore, NY 11706
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Tel: (631) 666-3077

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Coffee Houses

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Bay Shore Donuts
Bay Shore Coffee Houses

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More about us: cafeview website . Our products and services include black coffee, blends, bottled water, coffee, coffee accessories, coffee beans, decaffeinated, delivery services, donuts, drinks, dunkin' donuts card, dunkin' donuts stuff, espresso, for businesses, gift certificates, hot chocolate, juices, over 12 varieties of fresh baked bagels, phone orders, shop online, take out, tea and tea & coffee. We prefer to use these brands: dunkin' donuts.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 666-3077

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 Dunkin Donuts Reviews   
5 out of 5 stars Leo Ned from Bay Shore, NY on Oct 11, 2012
Everybody knows about Dunkin Donuts.Even though i was never keen on donuts my friends were always saying to me that i should try at least for once to go there and ask for one of any kind.they were sure that if i did this i would change my opinion about donuts at once.and they were right as i listened to them and went there with my wife.we both liked it so much that there is no week that we do not stop by at least for one time to enjoy one of the most incredible donuts that you may have tasted.and it is not only that as there is a variety of coffee that you can enjoy at the same time.as for the atmosphere it is wonderful and the service is very good. the employees are nice and kind with you and willing to serve you in the better possible way.you should not miss the chance to try it.
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