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Yellow Pages » Discount Stores » Levittown Yellow Pages » Dollar Tree

3767 Hempstead Tpke
Levittown, NY 11756
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Tel: (516) 796-5167

Appears In:
Discount Stores

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Levittown Discount Stores

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Our products and services include books, candy and food, gift wrapping, gifts, handbags, health and beauty care, housewares, party goods, personal accessories, seasonal goods, stationery and toys.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 796-5167

Visit Website: dollartree.com

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 Dollar Tree Reviews   
1 out of 5 stars Bruce R Ayers from Seaford, NY on Oct 9, 2013
I came into the store lookign for some fairly straightforward household stuff - like a new rug for my entry, and some mops and brooms and stuff. I found the mops and brooms. But no rug, anywhere. And I also needed new socks, and nothing here was worth the price (and yes, I know how low the price is). It's a mess, poorly organized, and it's just really unpleasant. So many people here, milling around. Hard to find what you want, and hard to walk down an aisle without a little kid knocking you aside.
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