Glenn Schroeder from
Wyandanch, NY on Jan 17, 2015
I come here regularly. I never had an injury that I remember. But for some reason--maybe it's an alignment issue (which I do seem to have) or maybe it's just extreme stress, but I always seem to tense up and then I have headaches and pain in my back and neck and sometimes my shoulders. Coming here every few weeks seems to set me right again for a while. So I will keep doing it to maintain for as long as I need to while I work on getting to the bottom of this. In the meantime, it's allowed me to continue getting on with my life and doing all my activities. That has been such a relief I can't even express it.

Donna O from
Wheatley Heights, NY on Dec 4, 2012
Two months ago I was sitting at a stop light when another car careened into mine from behind. Even though my car wasn't totaled, I received severe whiplash, displacing the bones of my neck and the bottom of my skull.
Let me tell you, if you've never expected severe whiplash, pray you never do, because it is Hell. I barely can bring myself to eat, or even breathe, and even sleeping is a painful experience. I've been seeing Dr. Tesoriero ever since the accident, and he's been very helpful and understanding. Sadly I don't have health insurance that covers this, but I can still afford the fees, and thank goodness, because if I couldn't, I think I might just give up and go away. But I have hope that this problem in my neck can be fixed, and someday I might be back to normal. I'm really scared about getting arthritis, but I know that that may not happen if I keep getting treatments.
Why doesn't health insurance cover this stuff? This might sound messed up, but probably because it really helps. For whatever reason, mainstream doctors don't want to integrate alternative therapies in their treatments, and that makes most of the medical industry leery of those therapies since they can actually fix people. Thanks Dr. Tesoriero, for keeping your prices low compared to some other doctors in town.
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