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Yellow Pages » Cesspools » Holtsville Yellow Pages » Dave Lange Sewer Service

652 Union Ave
Holtsville, NY 11742
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Tel: (631) 447-5252

Appears In:
Sewer Repair

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Holtsville Cesspools
Holtsville Sewer Repair

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Our business hours are sun open 24 hours, mon open 24 hours, tue open 24 hours, wed open 24 hours, thu open 24 hours, fri open 24 hours and sat open 24 hours. More about us: please click the ' business profile ' link below for detailed information. Our products and services include aeration, auger service, backhoe services, backhoe, bulldozer, & dump truck service, bacteria, basement water removal, brush cutting, car wash sumps, cash discounts, ccls chemical treatments, cesspools, chemicals, commercial wastewater pumping, confined space entry, consultations, demolition, digging, draglines, drainage systems, driveways, dry wells, earth moving, electric power rodding, electric rotating cutters, electric snake service, electronic tank & line location, engineering surveys, erosion control, estimates, excavations, filtration, financing, flood control, flood control sump pumping, foundations, free estimates, garbage disposal, grading, gravelless drainfields, grease trap & waste pit cleaning, hauling, high velocity jetting, holding tank installation, holding tank pump out, hydroflushing, inspections, installation, land clearing, landscaping, leach field line shocking, lift stations, maintenance & service contracts, mobile home hookups, mound septic systems, mud pits, perk tests, pipe relining, pipe thawing, power brushing, radio dispatched trucks, references, removal & disposal, repairs, replacements, retaining walls, rock splitting, rooter service, rotorary line cleaning, sandpit & trap pumping, senior discounts, septage & sludge dewatering, septic pumping, septic system design, septic systems & tanks, septic tank location, sewer lines, sinkholes, sinks, sludge removal & hauling, storm drain & catch basin cleaning, stump removal, sump pump service, tank emptying, title v inspections, tree root removal, trenching, trenchless cleaning, trenchless excavation, trenchless repair, underground leak repair, underground pipe repair, underground utilities, underpinning, vactor services, video inspections, water jet cleaning, water lines and waterways. We specialize in service 7 days a week. Accepted forms of payment are american express, mastercard and visa. We offer service in and around residential, commercial and industrial. We prefer to use these brands: commercial and residential. Our certifications include better business bureau and member l.l.i.w.a. Emergency services emergency service available.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 447-5252

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