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Yellow Pages » Drug Stores » Deer Park Yellow Pages » CVS Pharmacy

1944 Deer Park Ave
Deer Park, NY 11729
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Tel: (631) 667-6547

Appears In:
Drug Stores

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Deer Park Pharmacies
Deer Park Drug Stores

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Our business hours are 24 hours 7 days and 7 days a week daily everyday. More about us: medicaid. Our products and services include 24 hour, 24 hrs, 24-hour locations., allergy medicines, alternative medicines, antibiotics, baby, books, cameras, candles, candy, capsules, chocolates, collectibles, convalescent aids, cosmetics, creams, cvs pharmacy, dental care, diabetic supplies, digital & one hour photo, drive thru pharmacy, easy prescription transfers, fertility drugs, film, film & photo labs, first aid supplies, foot care, generic drugs, gifts, greeting cards, groceries, hair care, health aids, health foods, herbal supplements, herbs, identification photos, internet prescription refills, liquor, magazines, maternity supplies, minerals, more 24- hour location. more selection. more service., nutritional supplements, office supplies, orthopedic supplies, pain management medications, passports, perfume, personal care supplies, photo labs, photo retouching, prescription transfers, refills, skin care, smoking cessation drugs, sports medicine supplies, toiletries, toys and vitamins. Accepted forms of payment are honor most prescription plans, we accept over 5 and 000 health plans. We prefer to use these brands: rite aid.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 667-6547

Visit Website: www.cvs.com

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