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More about us: health club for womenfor details on this store and click here. Our products and services include 30-minute workouts, aerobic & strength training, apparel, body fat analysis, cardio classes, carpet stretching, cool down, curves books, curves complete, equipment & products designed especially for women, nutritional consultations, strength training, stretching, the curves 6 week solution, warm-up, weight management and women's services.
Hours: For hours, call (631) 324-7312
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Curves for Women at East Hampton Reviews |

Jennifer Brantley from
Sag Harbor, NY on Jul 1, 2014
I have enjoyed working out here! My coach has been great support! I'm not actually sure I could have done what I have without her. With her advice I have totally changed my workouts here and at home, and they seem like they're three times more effective.

Gladys from
Southampton, NY on Aug 13, 2012
I like that this health club has a lot of different services. The best part for me has been all the advice I've received which is specifically applicable to me and my body type. It's been several months though and I still haven't lost much weight, but I think that's normal. It can take a long time to shed pounds. Another good thing is that it's given me a social avenue to meet more people.
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