Carolyn U. Zhao from
Shirley, NY on Jul 12, 2013
We hired Crane Landscaping to spruce up our backyard when we got some extra money from a special commission. They totally transformed the rather dull lawn we had out back into a pleasant garden environment. We are very happy with their work and would recommend them heartily to anyone we know.

Terri E. Kang from
Shirley, NY on Jul 2, 2013
We hired Crane Landscaping to fix up our back yard. We'd kind of let it fall apart over the past few years because we had a lot of other things occupying our time and attention. I started making more money at the office though, and we finally had some time to dedicate to our yard and our house, so we had Crane Landscaping do the whole thing over. They did a wonderful job clearing away all the scrub, cutting away dead plants, and planting new ones. With time and attention I am sure it will continue to look beautiful.

T Abrams from
Medford, NY on Mar 1, 2013
I run a bed and breakfast, and one of the things I wanted to do with the place before I opened it up to the public was get the yard in better shape. It's a historic old building, and I got it at a discount since it was a fixer-upper. This included the yard as well, which has gone unmaintained since ... well, I'm guessing on the order of half a century. The lawn was overgrown, and there was no garden to speak of.
Enter Crane Landscaping. These guys got all those tall grasses trimmed down, and then took out part of the lawn and converted it into an herb garden. We use herbs we grow there in the meals we prepare for our guests, and we get a lot of compliments on our review pages for our cooking!
Another section of the yard we converted into a small hedge maze. When parents bring their kids, the kids love running around in it, and it really makes a charming addition to the yard, and gives it some old style charm.
So thanks guys, for transforming what was basically a small overgrown field into an elegant and charming old style English garden. It is a huge part of the serene and inviting atmosphere we create here!
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