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Yellow Pages » Cell Phone Service & Repair » Plainview Yellow Pages » Cingular of Plainview

4 Manetto Hill Rd
Plainview, NY 11803
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Tel: (516) 942-5400

Appears In:
Cellular Phone Services
Mobile Service
Cell Phone Service & Repair

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Plainview Cellular Phone Services
Plainview Mobile Service
Plainview Cell Phone Service & Repair

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Our products and services include activations, activations & reactivations, additional lines, belt clips, bill pay, billing services, bluetooth enabled cell phones, bluetooth enabled headsets, broadband, business calling plans, call centers, call forwarding, call waiting, caller id, camera phones, car accessories, car kits, cases, cell phones, cellular, cellular phones, chargers, commercial services, conferencing, data communication systems, dial-up, digital phones, digital television, ethernets, family plans, group plans, headsets, high speed access, hpna, individual plans, installation & activation, installations, internet services, loaner phones, messaging, modems, multimedia services, multiple service plans, national calling plans, networking, number changes, online services, paging, pay as you go plans, pre-paid plans, prepaid phones, reactivations, rentals leasing, repair services, repairs, residential services, ring tones, rollover minutes, routers, satellite tv, smartphones, static ip, technical support, telephones, text messaging, trade-ins, trade-ins & upgrades, tri mode digital phones, upgrades, video, video conferencing, wire, wireless access and yellow pages. Accepted forms of payment are american express. We prefer to use these brands: cingular, lg, polycom, samsung and yahoo. Our certifications include authorized service center.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 942-5400

Visit Website: www.bellsouth.com

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