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Yellow Pages » Health & Medical » Hempstead Yellow Pages » Chhabra Pavanjit DDS

400 Fulton Ave
Hempstead, NY 11550
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Tel: (866) 992-3513

Appears In:
Mental Health
Health & Medical

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Hempstead Mental Health
Hempstead Health & Medical

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More about us: our office provides a peaceful, relaxing atmosphere and thoughtful dental care. whether it's time for your regular dental exam and cleaning or if you need an implant or root canal and we're here for you. we offer everything from routine dental care to orthodontics and cosmetic procedures. we value your time and offer saturday hours for your convenience. We specialize in amalgam (silver) fillings, athletic mouth guards, bridges, bruxism (grinding), composite (tooth- colored) fillings, crowns, day white, denture repair, dentures (upper and lower), digital xray (cdr), full mouth reconstruction, general checkup & cleaning, impacted wisdom teeth, implants (restoration), implants (surgical placement), in office tooth whitening, inlays, invisalign, local anesthesia, molar endodontics, night guards, nite white, non-impacted wisdom teeth, non-surgical gum treatment, onlays, opalescence, oral cancer screening, panorex (single fmx), partial dentures, porcelain veneers, prophylaxis (cleaning), retainers, root planing, scaling, sealants, simple extractions, single visit root canals, snap on smile, tooth whitening, treatment of halitosis, tres' white and ultrasonic cleaning.

Hours: For hours, call (866) 992-3513

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