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Yellow Pages » Ice Cream & Frozen Yogurt » Glen Cove Yellow Pages » Carvel

181 Forest Ave
Glen Cove, NY 11542
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Tel: (516) 676-9367

Appears In:
Ice Cream & Frozen Yogurt

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Glen Cove Ice Cream & Frozen Yogurt

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More about us: carvel has been making ice cream fresh daily for over 75 years and is home of the all original ice cream cake. our handmade cakes, novelties and fountain ice cream products are all-american favorites that bring out the kid in everyone. if there's a reason to celebrate and we always have our party hat on. visit www.carvel.com for a location nearest you. Our products and services include baked fresh, cakes, drinks, frozen cakes, frozen novelties, gift certificates, ice cream, malts, pies, shakes and smoothies. We specialize in birthdays, graduations and holidays. We prefer to use these brands: carvel ice cream.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 676-9367

Visit Website: www.carvel.com

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 Carvel Reviews   
4 out of 5 stars Nancy E from Locust Valley, NY on Oct 28, 2013
Relatively good ice cream, considering it is a chain. Still, there are some local places nearby which are better.
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