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Yellow Pages » Health & Medical » West Babylon Yellow Pages » Calabrese Tina

17 Fordham Rd
West Babylon, NY 11704
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Tel: (631) 321-7011

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Mental Health
Health & Medical

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West Babylon Mental Health
West Babylon Health & Medical

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More about us: i am very experienced and have gone through graduate school and various trainings over the last 25 years but my main attribute i feel is my heart and soul. this is why i named my counseling center heart and soul community counseling. we cannot completely teach people how to care for each other. that comes from life experience, passion and a deep part of the spirit. i have a special interest in helping people who are marginalized and adults and children who have been traumatized and people who cannot yet advocate for themselves. We specialize in addiction, adolescents / teenagers (14 to 19), adults, anxiety or fears, autism, bisexual clients, child or adolescent, children (6 to 10), depression, divorce, domestic abuse, domestic violence, elderly persons disorders, elders (65+), gay clients, lesbian clients, loss or grief, obsessive-compulsive (ocd), other, parenting, personality disorders, relationship issues, spirituality, substance abuse, transgender/transexuals, transsexual clients and trauma and ptsd.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 321-7011

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