O Bradford from
Wainscott, NY on May 21, 2013
My son is autistic, and before I sent him to CDCH, I sent him to another more "mainstream" school, but it was a very disappointing, frustrating experience. The teachers there didn't understand that he was autistic or what that meant or how to deal with it, and treated him like he was stupid and never tried to engage him or challenge him. Finally we had had enough and moved him to CDCH. This school was put together by the parent of an autistic child, and the staff members there are -much- better informed as to what autistic means and implies and how to work with an autistic child and treat that child in a sane and reasonable manner. He is learning so much more at the new school, and the environment is much better all around. He's had an easier time making friends with the other kids (autistic and otherwise), and he feels much more accepted there. If your child isn't receiving the kind of time, attention and respect you feel he deserves, check into CDCH. It has made such a big difference in all our lives, and I can tell our son will excel far beyond what he would have if we had continued sending him to that worthless public school.
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