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Yellow Pages » Video Rental and Retail » Farmingdale Yellow Pages » Borders Books & Music

231 Airport Plaza Blvd
Farmingdale, NY 11735
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Tel: (631) 752-0194

Appears In:
Music Stores
Video Rental and Retail
Books & Publications

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Farmingdale Music Stores
Farmingdale Video Rental and Retail
Farmingdale Books & Publications
Farmingdale Bookstores

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Our business hours are monday - thursday 09:00 am to 10:00 pm, friday - saturday 09:00 am to 11:00 pm and sunday 10:00 am to 09:00 pm. More about us: see more on this organizationwifi hotspot (free). Our products and services include academic books, accessories, adult books, adventure books, arts, audiobooks, beauty, best sellers, biographies, biography, board games, body, books, books on tape, borders membership, bulk order discounts, business & money, calendars, children's, classical literature, compact discs, computing & internet, cooking, cooking, food & wine, crafts books, cultures, dictionaries, diet & health, dvds, educational games, fashion, fiction, fiction & literature, food, garden, gift certificates, gift services, gifts, gifts for readers, hardcover, health, history, home, horror books, how-to, humanities, humor books, illustrated, inspirational, journals & diaries, leisure, library services, listening stations available, magazines, medicine, mind, movies, music, mysteries, mystery & crime, nature, newspapers, nonfiction, paperbacks, professional, publisher & author guidelines, purchase order accounts, puzzles, records, reference, religion spirituality, romance books, science & nature, science fiction books, self help, self-improvement, shipping & deliveries, social studies, soundtracks, sports, stationery & notecards, teachers resources, technical, teens, thrillers, travel, videos, wine and young adults. Accepted forms of payment are checks, debit cards, discover and mastercard. We prefer to use these brands: borders.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 752-0194

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